
December 29, 2017

I can't believe it is the end of the year!
It's been difficult, but oh, so rewarding! I payed my car off by the end of August and have almost payed off all of my student loans. The grand total of all of my monthly expenses was $17,693.16 this year out of the $22,080 that I make in my salary. I definitely played it on the safe side with expenses this year, but I wanted to make sure that I did not go into debt or anything weird. I am very proud of how things have turned out this year and can not wait for 2018. Happy New Year everyone!

April 6, 2017

Wow! You all will never Believe what happened to me this past week! So about a year ago, I invested in a coffee company called "It's a Grind" with some Christmas money that I got. Well turns out that they are making a profit now and I received a check in the mail for $500.00! It's looking like I will get another one next month as well! I am putting all of it into savings for now, just in case. But Any extra money is definitely needed!

March 22, 2017

TGIF! I love Fridays! I think one of the best perks of my job is having weekends off! I need it so bad! And this weekend is a grocery shopping weekend! Yay! luckily, since I live by myself, I don't have to buy groceries too terribly often, but here is an example of the grocery list I made today after work:
Gotta Love Wal-Mart Prices!
On top of food, I will also have to buy some toiletries such as shampoo, comet, and such, which will add up to about $25.00.
Normally in about a month, I spend about $297.00 on groceries, so I am hoping I can keep it up this month!

March 11, 2017

Hey all! I'm sorry that it has taken my so long since my last post! Well for those of you who are wondering, work is good. I love my job so much!
So what's going on in my life? Well, Thank goodness, gas this month has gone down from $4.00 to $2.79 which is definitely manageable! I drive about 84 miles a week, and so with the 24 mpg that my car gets, I've budgeted about $50.00 for gas this month because I don't really drive around that much, due to the close proximity of my job to my apartment.
Other than work, I have not really done anything special. I sometimes watch TV on cable. Actually, last week, my friends and I had a Glee party (I can't believe Glee is still on in 2017) and we got a Cici's large pizza for only $5.00. Because of my tight budget, I try to do fun things that do not cost much money. It's really not that hard to do if you plan. For instance, the Dogwood Festival is coming up and also the Cotton Picking Fair. I am also in a book-club which I enjoy so much! The best thing about it is that I can just get all my books at the local library!
Well, My lunch break is just about over, so I will catch up with you all later!

January 31, 2017

Well, friends, the month has finally come to a close, and what a month it's been! There have been a lot of extraneous expenses this month that I will not have to pay in the future months of this year, and it has been extremely difficult to make ends meet. On top of the rent that I already pay, I also had to pay a security deposit of $150.00 on my apartment. However, after budgeting carefully, I ended up spending $1,636.93 on all of my monthly expenses. My budget was 1,840 and so I had plenty of money left over to put into savings to hold for a rainy day, on TOP of the $100.00 that I had already put into savings from my paycheck. Yay for financial security!

January 27, 2017

Wow! I can't believe it's almost the end of the month! Time has flown by so fast! It's about time to pay my bills, and although this is nerve-racking, I think I have enough budgeted in order to pay the money required. I have budgeted about $200.00 for my electric, natural gas, water, and cell phone bills. Thank the Lord that all my other expenses are included in my rent.
Also, for all you out there that are wondering, I ended up investing in an automobile! It was actually very fortunate: I was driving through Riverdale with a friend on the way to Fayetteville to visit family, when I saw a '98 Pontiac Grand Am on the side of the road advertised as  selling for $800.00! Whaaaaaa????!!!! I immediately called the number on the window and talked to this adorable Korean lady who was looking to sell the car. Sure, it has alot of miles and doesn't get fantastic gas mileage, but I could just not pass that car up. We made a payment plan for me to pay the $800.00 over the course of $100.00 per month for 8 months. I can definitely do that. I am sure you all want to see picture proof, so here you have it!

January 2, 2017

Hello, there fellow bloggers! Well, here we are! It's the start of a new year. What do I have to show for it? Well, first of all I got a new job. Exciting! I will be doing secretarial work at Robert N. Katz attorney office in Decatur, Georgia. It's so weird being on my own and having a full time job! I don't make much,only 32,000 dollars a year (and 22,080 after taxes....what a rip off). Although a meager sum, I believe I will be able to get by if I plan accordingly and budget responsibly.
Oh! Another exciting thing in my life is that I just put a down payment on my first apartment! I will be living in a one bedroom apartment in Royal Manor apartments. The rent is only $450.00 per month, but this month I have to put down a security deposit on top of investing in a new car (which I am shopping for next week!). Needless to say, money this month is going to be a little tight. Alright, well I have stalled enough. I have to get to bed early so that I can be ready for my first day of work tomorrow! Goodnight!