
January 2, 2017

Hello, there fellow bloggers! Well, here we are! It's the start of a new year. What do I have to show for it? Well, first of all I got a new job. Exciting! I will be doing secretarial work at Robert N. Katz attorney office in Decatur, Georgia. It's so weird being on my own and having a full time job! I don't make much,only 32,000 dollars a year (and 22,080 after taxes....what a rip off). Although a meager sum, I believe I will be able to get by if I plan accordingly and budget responsibly.
Oh! Another exciting thing in my life is that I just put a down payment on my first apartment! I will be living in a one bedroom apartment in Royal Manor apartments. The rent is only $450.00 per month, but this month I have to put down a security deposit on top of investing in a new car (which I am shopping for next week!). Needless to say, money this month is going to be a little tight. Alright, well I have stalled enough. I have to get to bed early so that I can be ready for my first day of work tomorrow! Goodnight!

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