
March 11, 2017

Hey all! I'm sorry that it has taken my so long since my last post! Well for those of you who are wondering, work is good. I love my job so much!
So what's going on in my life? Well, Thank goodness, gas this month has gone down from $4.00 to $2.79 which is definitely manageable! I drive about 84 miles a week, and so with the 24 mpg that my car gets, I've budgeted about $50.00 for gas this month because I don't really drive around that much, due to the close proximity of my job to my apartment.
Other than work, I have not really done anything special. I sometimes watch TV on cable. Actually, last week, my friends and I had a Glee party (I can't believe Glee is still on in 2017) and we got a Cici's large pizza for only $5.00. Because of my tight budget, I try to do fun things that do not cost much money. It's really not that hard to do if you plan. For instance, the Dogwood Festival is coming up and also the Cotton Picking Fair. I am also in a book-club which I enjoy so much! The best thing about it is that I can just get all my books at the local library!
Well, My lunch break is just about over, so I will catch up with you all later!

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